Scotland is at the greatest risk from Europe’s most hazardous nuclear plant

In the Guardian today, the above map, and this:

Sellafield, Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site, has a worsening leak from a huge silo of radioactive waste that could pose a risk to the public, the Guardian can reveal.

Concerns over safety at the crumbling building, as well as cracks in a reservoir of toxic sludge known as B30, have caused diplomatic tensions with countries including the US, Norway and Ireland, which fear Sellafield has failed to get a grip of the problems.

BBC Scotland today is not reporting this but rather is pushing against the Scottish Government’s manifesto commitment to end the use of nuclear power, as we produce far more green energy than we can consume. There’s a no-brainer you’d think even Labour could get.

However, that map immediately prompted a quick reaction in me.

That plume of radiation just catching my birthplace of Duns near the border has been driven by a fairly neat little South-westerly, to only expand as it gets to Norway, but the prevailing winds in South-west Scotland are not so neatly defined.

See these wind roses for my hometown of Ayr and for nearby Glasgow:

The wind often blows from SSW and even at times from due South meaning that Sellafield radiation pollution could cover much of Scotland long before, and more concentratedly than, it reaches Norway. The USA and Ireland seem to have far less reason to worry than we do.

Water flows too, put Scotland most in harm’s way. See this:

It’s fairly clear where a leak into the Irish Sea from Sellafield (S) is going.

Another quick reaction from me. Readers will have more to tell us about, I’m sure.

10 thoughts on “Scotland is at the greatest risk from Europe’s most hazardous nuclear plant





    1. ENGLAND WILL GRANT SCOTLAND INDEPENDENCE – That’s not within their power. However they could vote to resile from the union with Scotland. That would be fair enough and easy to achieve given that they have 533 MPs out of 650 in their ‘sovereign’ parliament.


  2. The article on the BBC Scotland site is nothing other than pro nuclear propaganda and, as always they are allowing comments and these comments, even when the article is just posted are already numerous and uniformly hostile to the SNP and Greens.

    Back in the 1970s I attended an exhibition in the McLellan Galleries in Glasgow mounted by the South of Scotland Electricity Board (SSEB) propagandising about nuclear and coal fired power stations. It was very slick and well staffed with propagandists.

    In the basement, an intrepid group of proto-Green campaigners had mounted a counter exhibition comprising had drawn posters illustrating renewable sources, such as wind, wave, hydro, tidal and solar. The theory behind generation was the same as that for coal and nuclear generation. And, of course, the Hydro Board had been demonstrating its feasibility for more a quarter century.

    This small group clearly spooked the SSEB, because they had a group of their propagandists in the lobby trying to steer people away from the proto-Greens, and presenting straw man arguments. Labour and the trade unions like the NUM, were, of course, very hostile to such alternatives, despite the Hydro Board having been the ‘baby’ of Tom Johnston who had been Labour Secretary of State for Scotland. Johnston was an actual unapologetic socialist, who had written a book called ‘Our Noble Families’, setting out the way in which they used their inherited wealth and land ownership to stifle any developments which threatened their powers.

    Labour in its early years was a ‘home rule’ party, but, post World War 2, gradually backed away from it and became increasingly colonialist anglocentric British nationalist. However, some, like John Smith, actually supported home rule and, although many in the Blairite Labour Party enacted legislation through gritted teeth to establish a Scottish Parliament as a memorial to the recently deceased Smith. When the legislation was proposed and the referendum endorsed it, the Parliament was established. But the bealin Blair, ungraciously characterised it as no more important than an English parish council.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. This article is 10 years old 👇. Looks like history is repeating itself!

    “Some parts of the Dounreay nuclear site will have to remain off limits for up to 300 years, the UK Atomic Energy Authority said yesterday, amid reports from environmentalists that the plant has been “leaking like a sieve”.

    But the UK Atomic Energy Authority says all the major radiological hazards would be removed within 25 years, as details were unveiled yesterday of the 60-year, £4bn plan to decommission the Caithness reprocessing plant. More than 2,000 jobs will be guaranteed over the next 20 years by the clean-up. Environmentalists welcomed yesterday’s announcement but said the costs involved could be nearer £10bn.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. On radioactive pollution
    – I recall a Uni survey (Sheffield ?) having been done on the coastline north and south of Winscale in which was recorded all manner of mutations on sea life, quickly resolved by renaming it Sellafield.
    – Another instance I recall was a rising background count in the Galloway hills among sheep, initially explained as from granite then blamed on Chernobyl when it blew a gasket.
    Such was public awareness of HMG not telling the truth that even the ‘not the nine o’clock news team’ reinvented journalism…

    What I find comical of Smirky McSmirk’s latest Mission Implausible (Those ears will explode in 10 seconds, and should) is RN got rid of him because he contributed nothing to the Navy – Mooring bollards are solid and their records aren’t subject to tampering on Wikipedia to inflate their status from having failed to advance from being a basic bollard but having “advanced” to becoming a bollard…
    In the case of Sub Lt Bowie, it is only the suffix to BOLL… which distinguishes Andrew Bowie, soon to be ret MP ret – The explanation of “retard” appears to have become an accepted definition with the electorate of K&D….

    Liked by 3 people

    1. A long time ago there were reports that childhood cancer in Cumbria were unusually high, it was of course denied by many, including someone I met which worked at Sellafield. Anyways, I made a wee piece of artwork about, called, ‘why the children die’.
      We will never be told the real truth about radioactive leaks from Sellafield formally Windscale. Scotland must reject any attempts to have any nuclear power enforced on our country by the English government.
      I’ll link to a piece I watched yesterday about just this subject in relation to cop28.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. We always knew they sighted their nuclear stuff near Scotland to keep it away from London.Dont you just hate England for the inconsiderate way they treat other countries including us.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Some years ago a small group of us in the North West, were looking at selling and marketing croft produce. This was the real NW, not Blackpool. It also had a horticultural development aim.
    Quite a few were already growing organically and wanted to have their produce certified.
    Soil Association, “How do you fertilise your crops?”
    Answer, “Mainly seaweed.”
    S.A., “I hope you compost it first. Do not put it on the ground directly.”
    Our group, “Why not directly?”
    S.A., “Radioactive material. It varies in severity up and down the West coast, but composting helps to reduce the levels a bit.”
    Our Group, “Bugger, is that Chernobyl?”
    S.A., “No, it’s from Sellafield, you can tell from the isotope.”

    Liked by 2 people

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