BBC Scotland woman journalists betray their own kind just to protect UK minister responsible for mass deaths!

On the left, how BBC Scotland want you to remember Nicola Sturgeon’s much-praised performance in the pandemic with, on the right, the reality most of us should remember.

The BBC Scotland report is unattributed but there are lots of senior women at Pacific Quay who might have selected a better headline had they a shred of decency in them.

The report does go on, at the very end of course, to let a spokesperson for Ms Sturgeon to tell it like it was but the damage is done by then.

Before that, we get line after line of Hancock’s vague, huffy, evidence-free, bluster. I’ve taught hundreds of huffy wee boys (and girls), blaming everyone else for their own mistakes (I even used to be one, can still be one) and hating especially being given good advice by a women, unless maybe they look and talk like Rees-Mogg’s nanny.

9 thoughts on “BBC Scotland woman journalists betray their own kind just to protect UK minister responsible for mass deaths!

  1. it was very unhelpful when we switched on our tellys to hear, the Westminster Gov continually refer to England as, the UK, or Britain, or this Country, it led to no end of confusion, here in my house, and other homes as well, I would suspect.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. BBC Scotland your daily national embarrassment.

    Its only goal is to run down Scotland, its people, its achievements and government on behalf of of what is essentially a malevolent foreign government.

    Its a propaganda outfit, nothing else.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. If the BBC expect us to take the evidence given to the inquiry from the likes of someone like Hancock as being evidence that is both credible and honest then they also must expect us to then totally forget what he himself did during the pandemic.

    Committed adultery with his then female aide (girlfriend….. while STILL married to someone else ……as in to his actual WIFE)……

    A video showing him kissing his aide (girlfriend) within the HOC’s when he was the ‘Health’ Secretary during the pandemic ……and in that role as Health minister he was having CLOSE encounters with his aide (girlfriend) while simultanously telling the public in England to socially distance.

    Awarded a £30million Covid contracts to a former neighbour and pub landlord.

    A firm owned by a family associate of his was awarded , by him in his role as Health Secretary, a Government contract for the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) worth £14.4 million.

    Gave the go ahead to a MASS event i.e. the Cheltenham races during the pandemic while some newspapers stated he himself had racing “Links” and also that he had benefitted from more than £350,000 in political donations from donors in horse racing…..

    An embarrassing moment on breakfast TV where he acted out a crying episode where clearly he was NOT crying….in fact it was, as a performance, the worse example of someone pretending to cry but clearly NOT crying I have ever witnessed and I am sure others TOO have witnessed but funnily enough it totally represented the kind of person HE , as a Tory, was……..cue the body language experts who would have a FEAST on this fakery……indeed it was insult to all of those who died during the pandemic.

    BUT what is really really worse in the BBC headlining this slur via him upon our then FM… that we now ALL know that he and the TORY government he was a part of , headed by Boris Johnson as PM, did so much WRONG during the pandemic…from onset to end…..and no amount of desperate BBC deflection will be able to distract us from that…….or evidence being spun in this inquiry from the various Tory UK ministers who themselves were part of the UK government during the pandemic or indeed even via the current PM who was Chancellor of that same Tory government……the BBC may TRY to rewrite the history of events during the pandemic by promoting smears from those Tories who are now discredited , as in the likes of Matt Hancock, but alas for them we , the public, have the proof of all of the ACTUAL wrongs committed by the likes of Hancock and also others in the UK TORY government during the pandemic……..when is TORY peer Michelle Mone giving HER evidence ? #BBCScotlandWheeshtForMichelleMone

    I guess the BBC see it as their role yet again to try and pass the buck onto OUR previous FM and government …….a rinse and repeat exercise on behalf of their UKnotOK…………I also guess they, the BBC, only see ‘controversial’ as a actuality when they try and link it to actions and decisions they deem to be the VERY worse actions and decisions when they are made or linked to the SNP……many of us beg to differ.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Nicola Sturgeon was ,”unhelpful” during the pandemic , says Handcock , as the public saw the contrast between a politician on top of her brief providing clear and unambiguous instructions on how to survive and the Chaos-R-Us Westminster ”elite” .

    Liked by 4 people

  5. You know, looked at objectively, maybe the man had a point? (Bear with me here…)

    I mean, Nicola Sturgeon (and the SG) DIDN’T help him (and WM):
    ** Prioritise delivery of PPE to England, rather than giving all 4 nations their – paid for – share
    **Use the VIP lane for PPE/Supplies
    ** Try to force WM decisions on devolved matters, especially when the situations were radically different
    ** Treat the people of Scotland as ‘less’
    ** Massage the appearance of success of the vaunted Roll Out of vaccine by not following the correct order of delivery
    ** Ignore the science
    ** Expect unnecessary workers to risk their lives

    And she DID:
    ** (Along with Wales) Impose lockdown as soon as the relevant legislation and cash was in place – aka “leaking to the press”

    ** Support Valneva even when WM said that it “wouldn’t” be cleared for use, even though it had already met EU standards

    ** Try to keep airports and borders closed to prevent importing infection/new strains. (Was it only me who noticed that the Highlands sometime had 0-5 new cases a day till holidaymakers from England thought “Whoopee – we’re all 1 country and we’ll go to Scotland if we can’t go abroad” and cases shot up the week after they came over the not-a-border?)

    ** Stand there day after day, communicating the latest scientific advice and trying to keep the country as positive and united as possible. This in clear words, calmly delivered.

    AND SHE DID IT DELIBERATELY! Despite uncontrolled press conferences followed by the BBC (of Blessed Name) letting opposition parties trash it all without comment from the ‘interviewers’ or a Government spokesperson for ‘balance’

    And what’s more she actually diverted ENGLISH people, like my (sheltering) relatives in NW England, from the True Faith. She so far warped their minds by ‘playing politics’ that they said “We don’t listen to what that lot (ie WM) have to say any more. They don’t make sense and they don’t know what they’re talking about. We listen to Nicola…”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It is noteworthy that none of the ‘Fleet Street’ papers or the ‘national media’ actually bothered to report the reference to Nicola Sturgeon.

    But, of course, BBC Scotland decided to highlight Hancock’s unsubstantiated assertion.

    As a roster of Tory politicians and aides have given evidence which largely damns the conduct of Johnson, especially, but of others, too, notably Sunak (Dr Death) and Hancock, BBC Scotland has made no mention of any of this over the past month, but is in like flies around shit at a passing reference to the former FM.

    BBC Scotland biassed?? YES!!!!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s very much more insidious than that – The BBC/Scotland article “Covid inquiry: Hancock found Sturgeon ‘unhelpful’ during pandemic” when I first spotted it at 6 minutes old had a publication stamp of 1st December 2023, 02:48 UTC.
      The simultaneous BBC/UK/Politics article “Covid inquiry: Earlier lockdown could have kept schools open, says Matt Hancock” was at that point allegedly 1 hour old but with a publication stamp of 1st December 2023, 03:08 UTC ,

      I’ve no idea who John is thinking of in “The BBC Scotland report is unattributed but there are lots of senior women at Pacific Quay who might have selected a better headline had they a shred of decency in them”, but there is no question as to the deliberate and intended distortion by BBC Scotland specifically intended to be read by Scots of undoubtedly on one of the most cringeworthy evidence sessions of the UK Covid Inquiry to date, and that includes the oleaginous Michael Gove….


  7. Nicola Sturgeon battled against the bad advice being given out by the Union Jack people and here we have a Union Jack politician saying she was unhelpful , unhelpful in that she failed against advice from the Union Jack people such as eat out to help out which was an exercise in killing more and more people more quickly just to help out businesses owned by people who stayed clear of their businesses and sent the staff in to do the dirty work and catch covid.
    We continue to be unhelpful to the death government in Westminster


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