Thousands of patients will be able to have scans thanks to another Humza Yousaf intervention to avert a health sector strike!

In the Guardian today:

Tens of thousands of patients will be unable to have scans on Tuesday when radiographers join consultants and junior doctors in strike action, hospital bosses have said. Radiographers across England will take industrial action from 8am, which will limit the chances of patients using cancer, A&E and maternity services getting a scan or X-ray.

There’s no mention of Scottish radiographers in the above report.

On September 3, the Daily Record had a report of a threatened radiographer strike in just one hospital (Hairmyres) with this gleeful comment:

Radiographers threaten strike action at Scots hospital days after Humza Yousaf boast

Humza Yousaf boasted his government had managed to avoid “a single day of strikes in our NHS” after junior doctors in England confirmed a walk-out.

Sad? Desperate? Both.

I can find no sign of a radiographer strike anywhere in Scotland in recent months or years.

Did they settle and ‘our’ media ignored it?

On 7 July, the Herald did have:

The Society of Radiographers (SoR) trade union announced its members at 43 NHS trusts voted to walk out between 8am on July 25 and 8am on July 27.

Sad? Desperate? Both, again.

Back to the Guardian’s ‘Tens of thousands of patients will be unable to have scans’ prediction.

So, in Scotland, using Reporting Scotland editorial guidelines of applying an English survey to Scotland, that’s

Thousands of patients will be able to have scans thanks to another Humza Yousaf intervention to avert a health sector strike!


The Society of Radiographers: Scotland Council? All quiet.

5 thoughts on “Thousands of patients will be able to have scans thanks to another Humza Yousaf intervention to avert a health sector strike!

  1. Saw Doctor Sept 11 referred for X Ray letter confirmed for it to be on Thur. 5 Oct how is that for service in NHS Scotland you wont hear DRoss or Sarwar say anything about as that is good news I know its not perfect but I have nothing but praise for the treatment I have received on the NHS.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The BBC News website’s coverage of this strike by radiographers is ‘interesting’. On its Health page there is within the ‘Latest updates’ rolling news section this headline from 6.26AM: 

    ‘Radiographers join 24-hour strike over pay’ and below there is one explanatory sentence viz. ‘Staff at 37 NHS trusts in England will walk out over pay, from 08:00 on Tuesday.’  So a short acknowledgement of significant industrial action.

    There is also an invitation here to ‘Read more’ on the issue: clicking on the link provided takes the user to an article with the following headline: ‘Sheffield radiographers join 24-hour strike over pay’.  This article is tucked away in the website’s section devoted to news for Sheffield & South Yorkshire.

    So a strike involving radiographers, key medical professionals, at 37 NHS Trusts does not merit national (UK or England) billing by the BBC News website editors – not even when this is part of wider strike action by junior doctors and consultants!

    Is there something else of prominence and importance happening just now in England?


  3. Whilst the BBC rightly gets lots of negative feedback here on TuS, there are many times when public communication from trade unions is problematic. How today’s strike action is covered on the website of the Society of Radiographers gives another example.

    From its website, dated 2 October, 2023: ‘Members and patients deserve better,’ says SoR as radiographers take strike action across UK’.  Across the UK?


    And then today, 3 October the the SoR’s website o has this: ‘‘We stand shoulder to shoulder in our fight to protect our professions’ – Leandre Archer, head of industry relations for the Society of Radiographers, addresses Manchester rally during nationwide strike action.’   Nationwide strike?

    This article also notes: ‘On Tuesday, 3 October, radiographers and other NHS workers held nationwide strike action over low pay and poor working conditions across the service.’

    Given the above, one might be confused to read on the home page of SoR’s website’s this: ‘Radiographers strike across England – Thousands of members will stage a 24hr strike from 8am on Tuesday 3rd October 2023.’

    Shakes head! I suppose for those brought up in England on a diet of BBC news and current affairs, it’s perhaps not surprising that even those in professional bodies get confused over the terminology to describe the most basic structure of the nation-state in which they live!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What follows is noteworthy in the context of today’s strike in England by radiographers as the dispute between many clinical professionals in NHS England and the Westminster government trundles on to the detriment of patients.  

    From the website of the Society of Radiographers (SoR) there is an article dated 23 March 2023 with this headline: ‘Radiographers in Scotland vote in favour of 2023/24 pay offer – 88% of SoR members in Scotland back the package offered.’

    And then comes a highly significant acknowledgement, with information that the news media in Scotland will ignore and I suspect many in the Labour Party’s leadership will wish remains hidden from voters:

    ‘The SoR negotiators, who had unanimously agreed to recommend acceptance, said: 


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