As junior and senior doctors in England strike together for first time in NHS history, BBC Scotland looks for something, anything to avoid the obvious fact – SNP Government works!

Photograph: Vuk Valcic/Zuma Press Wire/Shutterstock

In the Guardian but nowhere or low down on the screen, on BBC England or BBC London or, of course BBC Scotland:

Junior doctors and consultants in England will strike on the same days together for the first time in the history of the NHS, in a dramatic escalation of their bitter pay dispute with the government.

The British Medical Association blamed ministers’ refusal to negotiate over doctors’ salaries for the union’s decision to organise stoppages involving both groups of medics.

The joint action will reduce hospitals and other services in England to providing Christmas Day levels of care for four days in September and October.

Worrying indeed and not happening in Scotland thanks to the efforts of SNP first ministers and health secretaries to avert strikes by nurses, ambulance staff, radiographers, physiotherapists, junior doctors and consultants.

Never mind they’ve got 200 mile trips for cancer treatment, school violence, that Tayside surgeon again and school buildings fears…in England so far.

Remember to tell your relatives not to worry. They’re not striking here despite BBC UK telling them and BBC Scotland not telling them.

13 thoughts on “As junior and senior doctors in England strike together for first time in NHS history, BBC Scotland looks for something, anything to avoid the obvious fact – SNP Government works!

  1. How many schools are closed due to roof falling down in Scotland.

    Yes we had the Edinburgh school walls falling down due to no ties fitted in the brickwork.

    24 schools in englandland closed, it’s reported.

    Hospital appointment today with senior doctor.

    SNP government seems to be making progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And, the failure of the PPE-built Edinburgh school was on the BBC Scotland website for a fair period, with various blamings particularly of the Council and the SG, with muted questioning of the contractor (Private, you see, ergo GOOD).

      Liked by 2 people

      1. @ Anonymous @ 9.21am

        PFI ….well tis been reported that …

        “Tens of millions of pounds will be needed to bring public buildings built using private finance into state hands…including Schools.

        These deals contain clauses which mean public bodies will need to pay the PFI provider a fee or market value for the property if they want to take full control of the building when the contract ends.

        Critics point out that some of the PFI operators have banked repayments over the length of these deals at up to 10 times the original cost of building the facilities.

        Unison Scottish secretary Lilian Macer said: “These PFI buyback clauses are quite frankly a scandal. Private firms have already been handsomely paid by the taxpayer over the course of the contract. Once you pay up your mortgage you don’t then have to pay a penalty clause to own your home. At the very least it should be the same for public services.”

        PFI was introduced by John Major’s Conservative government but Labour was the biggest supporter of the controversial financing model.

        It meant the upfront cost of building such as schools and hospitals was taken on by the private sector in return for repayments to cover construction and maintenance, typically over a 25-year period.

        But the scale of profits made by PFI operators, and the build quality of some sites, have faced widespread criticism”.

        Oh but Ferries….Ferries indeed…..a grand deflection from the REAL scandal in Scotland via politics….of PFI and the HUGE ongoing cost and expense to us the Scottish taxpayers against PROFITS accumulated by private operartors/providers…

        As a real SCANDAL PFI is very much connected to and leading directly to, as the culprits, the doors of both the Tory party and also very much the LABOUR party……hence why FERRIES in Scotland are so popular as the ongoing repetitive GO TO line of attack via media and opposition parties…..which masks a far BIGGER scandal via those who attack the SNP…..

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember some years ago before I retired the union branch passing a motion demanding that management stop announcing things that have been successful. Their argument was that doing what was supposed to be being done was not something to celebrated or even acknowledged. A justification was that it was being used to reflect well on management, despite the fact that the workforce was being praised and, anyway, most of the managers were members of the same union.

    Complaining was the union rep and his clique’s raison d’etre. It is a hair-shirt attitude which was, and still is, to some extent, fairly common in Scotland.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. O/T,
    Good morning all I came across this and it seems a victory in the forth coming Rutherglen election for Lab is a shoo in if the writer is not pro Lab it would surprise me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There is NO story connected to the UK government that can NOT have a Scottish connection……but ONLY when tis a negative … the UK government bad or #Failing ?….well if they are indeed BAD and FAILING (and they ARE)…… then the rule is ‘there is no show without the UK punch(bag) aka the Scottish government also being promoted as being embroiled in a similar situation (or worse one) via what is promoted by others as being a ‘controversial catastrophic fiasco’ of THEIR, Scottish government’s, OWN making obvs… BLAME can be solely attributed to the UK government on anything it seems… the usual suspects will drag OUR government as also being in the frame for blame and negative publicity….as sure as night follows day that is a reality we see via them who assume that we in Scotland…. as people…button up the back… predictable tis embarrassing…..for THEM that is….for us though it is what motivates many of us to keep campaigning for independence…as this same old same old S*** (rhymes with PIT) just HAS to all STOP.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It has cost the Westminster Gov £Billions more not settling the pay claims. The UK Gov is wasting £Billions not settling the required pay claim. Beyond belief. It would have cost less to honour the claim.

    Increasing military funding. Instead of NHS funding. Instead of keeping people alive. The life expectancy in the south going down. Austerity.


  6. The by election is irrelevant. Low turnout? A GE coming. The communications are being mailed. Preparation sent out.

    People who support Independence need to go out and vote for Independence Parties. Vote SNP GE. 1,2,3 Holyrood elections. Constituency SNP. List 2,3. To vote the Unionists out. How anyone thinks voting Labour/unionist will bring Independence is a mystery.


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