Further evidence of the best health secretary and best leader getting on with the day job to protect the people

In the Telegraph yesterday:

Asked by BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, “You would not accept the kind of deal that your Scottish members are thinking of accepting?”, Mr Laurenson said the union would not.

He said: “No, because the governments are very different. So the Scottish Government, there’s a basis to work forwards and have a relationship and a working relationship to negotiate in the future. The Government that we have today are hell bent on using the rigged, independent pay review bodies.”


As Health Secretary and then as First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf has been prepared to meet and to listen to all of the health unions.

In a deeply impressive performance over several months, he and his colleagues have averted strikes by nurses, ambulance workers, radiographers and junior doctors. The latter begin their fifth action in England soon, leading to around a million appointments cancelled.

You can see from the above that it’s not just about the offer. The SNP Government has also offered to set up a respectful and collegiate relationship with a place to discuss ideas such as a future tax increase to raise funds ring-fenced for the NHS.

The Conservative Government in England has dug its heels in, refusing to settle and preferring to protect first the interests of its sponsors, the rich and the corporations, against those of the people. Labour is currently inheriting those same sponsors and ready to give them what they want in return.

There is enough wealth in the UK to pay all workers a decent wage. Billions, perhaps trillions is being stuffed away in offshore accounts where it lies unproductive when, as in much of Europe, it could be used to stimulate the economy.

The SNP is the only party in the UK prepared to do what is right for the 99%.

11 thoughts on “Further evidence of the best health secretary and best leader getting on with the day job to protect the people

  1. I meant to comment first on the above where I saw a Doctor congratulate the SG for having no strikes and them willing to have talks with all the leaders.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Seldom on the MSM ( English ? ) TV channels do you hear mention of the Scottish position on pay deals with the Health Unions ( brief passing mention on ITV , Thursday ) .
    Why ?
    Are they afraid of upsetting the UK Government ? Ignorance of the Scottish position ?
    However , news of the strikes by English doctors , nurses , ambulance crews , consultants are constantly headlined in Scotland , often without the ”English ” prefix .
    Daily we hear complaints from the Statler and Waldorf of Scottish politics ( Baillie and Gulhane ) about the alleged failings of the Scottish NHS BUT never a word of praise to the SG for AVOIDING the damaging strikes which plague the English NHS .
    Wonder why ?

    Liked by 3 people

  3. So now we are to have ‘Detention Centres’.

    Totally stand alone ‘villages’, for asylum seekers,with their own schools, hospitals, energy, transport and ‘cemetaries’.

    Will they be supplied by the tory friends? and called Berken Berken?, Concentration camps.

    We really need away from this stuff, EBC last night didn’t even comment.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’ll be akin to the US where folks have to work for their keep in prison or near as you can get re detention centres…blimey, blightly is a scary place indeed. Let’s make sure to escape, pronto.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. In Stalin’s USSR they were called Gulags, first established by Lenin to get rid of political opponents and their supporters, they became major production centres contributing hugely to the economy. The food ration was directly linked to the individuals production. If you achieved your quota you got your full ration of thin soup and bread twice a day, if you didn’t your ration was reduced, if you couldn’t work because of illness or disability you died. Many died within the first year. Estimated deaths are between 2 million and 18 million. Many Ukrainians ended up in the Gulags in the 1930’s during Stalin’s attempt at ethnic cleansing of Ukranians and resettlement of Russians. Stalin wasn’t alone, Hitler did the same following the examples set by the British empire.


  4. BBC and the newspapers only report bad news about Scotland in Scotland never the good news

    In England BBC and the newspapers only report bad news about Scotland too

    In Scotland and in England BBC and newspapers always report Englands bad news as “ British bad news” they do their best to hoodwink Scottish people and English people into thinking that the NHS strikes in England and the Rail strikes in England are happening in Scotland too when in fact they are not

    Englands propaganda war on Scotland continues
    They want English people to think that the bad things that are being inflicted on them by Westminster are also happening in Scotland they don’t want English people to realise the Scottish SNP government is performing so much better than Westminster nor do they want the Scottish people to realise that strikes in England are not happening in Scotland because the Scottish government has negotiated reasonable terms with the unions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly, if the people of England realised that Scotland’s government are actually working to protect the SNHS, not wreck it like their government is doing, they may well get a tad angry and upset.
      Of course mention things being better in Scotland to people in England, and you can see the wee cogs turning, saying ‘we pay for yous’. My family and friends in NE England stick their fingers in their ears if I mention anything good happening in Scotland, in fact I don’t bother now. My family in Australia really do not like me pointing out how the England they left many years ago because it was cr*p, is even worse now. Mention Brexit, silence. I wonder if they would have voted for it…


  5. £Billion+ has been spent because of the strikes which could have settled the claim. The Tories ethics and dogma killing people. A bunch of losers. Away soon.

    The Westminster unionists cannot count or read a balance sheet. £5Billion more on Defence instead of the NHS. Killing people rather than saving them. The Tories are spending £1000Billion+. What a waste.


  6. “Further evidence of the best health secretary and best leader getting on with the day job to protect the people”

    As in “Further evidence” that will NOT be promoted via the MSM…..

    However there is also “Further evidence” that the recent attack on YOU and too the SNP via the MSM is a classic example (one of many) that PROVES what we have always determined to be a fact …….as in #SNPBAD is their preferred take on all of their political stories here in Scotland …even on stories when the SNP have NOT been the initial source that instigated the story…..and to retweet an article is most definitely not unique, as an action, to only SNP politicians….

    I have seen those from other political parties retweet another person’s tweets that , post retweeting they have had to delete their retweet, as the content of the original tweet was so offensive that they, the politician from one of the opposing parties to the SNP, were heavily criticised on social media…..however funnily enough THEIR retweeting and subsequent deletion of their retweet never made the ” News where WE are” or elsewhere….nope that particular journey is ONLY reserved for an SNP politician it seems.

    So based on the above one wonders how much “Further evidence” does the majority of the public in Scotland need before they too come to the SAME conclusion as us on the MSM ….that they are biased , partisan and trying their best to destroy the SNP while promoting other parties and their opposing position to both the SNP and independence within Scotland…..


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