Conservative candidates too feart to attend public hustings

Conservative candidate, Martin Dowey (right), failed to turn up last night at a public hustings in Ayr, for the Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock constituency. We must assume he feared the kind of hostility his party is getting everywhere outside of the South of England.

What could he have said to the several WASPI women in the crowd or in response to questions about their mismanagement of the economy, their corruption, their betting scandal and umpteen other dark traces of their 14 years in power?

Strangely, their former MP for the constituency, Bill Grant, whose views on the Union seem clear, did turn up. Did they not tell him or, as a former fireman, did he feel he was the man for this job?

At a hustings last week in Irvine for the Central Ayrshire constituency, Conservative candidate, Todd Ferguson, above with quite a wee sporran, also did not turn up despite looking like the man for a big challenge. Does he not take criticism well?

As with Labour candidate no-shows and embarrassing performances, I’m hearing the same reports of scared Conservatives from Fraserburgh to Stranraer.

3 thoughts on “Conservative candidates too feart to attend public hustings

  1. it is a well tried and, sadly, effective tactic. In the 2019 General Election, Boris Johnson declined to take part in any of the TV debates and the one-to-one interviews, except those by a friendly interviewer like Laura Kuennsberg or Gary GET BREXIT DONE! Gibbon of Channel 4 News. On one occasion, he hid in a fridge.

    The Baroness Colonel Davidson was never interviewed by the Scottish media: they simple fed her the prompts for the statements she was going to make without challenge.

    Now, the tactic has become pretty common because the public are not tame like the media – they want answers to the questions, not waffle and can be bluntly insistent if they do not get an answer.

    Alasdair Macdonald

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