Ayrshire Labour candidates have nothing to say as real expert asks why they are – ‘happy to put a cap on child benefits but not on the super profits of bankers’

Watch the above from a professor of economics and, If you meet any Labour candidates or campaigners, ask them a few of his questions and watch them splutter.

Here are two candidates you might look out for, though I note they can afford to use the Post Office for their leafleting.

Elaine Stewart, Labour candidate for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock
Alan Gemmell OBE, HM trade Commissioner under Boris Johnson and Labour candidate for Central Ayrshire

The above two Labour candidates in Ayrshire constituencies have thousands of children in poverty in their constituencies, after 14 years of austerity. What do they think Sir Keir Starmer will let them do about it?

4 thoughts on “Ayrshire Labour candidates have nothing to say as real expert asks why they are – ‘happy to put a cap on child benefits but not on the super profits of bankers’

  1. I am ayrshire born and worked all my adult life in ayrshire only moving after retirement. North Ayrshire Candidate worked or works in health a great supporter of the circular economy. I am gobsmacked to say the least.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Labour have said they will continue with austerity, poverty forced on the poor. Many people even in England are not going to vote for them.
    Watched this yesterday, very disturbing, but not surprising. Expect Starmer and his sidekick Rayner will bring in conscription for our young people.


  3. Listened this morning (Tuesday) to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. It contained extensive clips of a hustings held the previous day in the Motherwell, Wishaw and Carluke constituency. It featured Pamela Nash, the Labour candidate.

    Challenged about Labour’s decision if its gains power in Westminster NOT to abolish the UK-wide ‘two-child benefit cap’, Ms Nash quickly switched from advocating that all those listening to her should give their vote to Keir Starmer’s Labour Party to telling those listening that Labour in Scotland opposed the continuation of the ‘two-child benefit cap’.

    So Ms Nash says ‘vote Labour’ but if there are things about Labour’s manifesto you really don’t like, don’t worry you can vote for Labour in Scotland because its different from Labour not in Scotland!

    What you’ll never hear Ms Nash acknowledge though is that by voting Labour in Scotland you won’t be doing a thing to change what is you really don’t like in the Labour not in Scotland manifesto. And as the ‘two child benefit cap’ is a reserved matter within the UK, the only Labour that could remove it is the Labour not in Scotland.

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