Shocking 40% of Toronto Island ferries out of service on peak tourism weekend

From another Canadian CTV News Toronto, today:

Those visiting the Toronto Islands this weekend could see longer wait times when returning to the city as two of the five ferry boats will be out of service.

The city says the Thomas Rennie, which has a capacity of 915 passengers, and The Trillium, an 815-passenger heritage ferry that only operates in certain weather conditions, are undergoing repairs and aren’t anticipated to be back in service for a couple of weeks.

In Scotland, sometimes 2 or 3 out of the 34 ferries can be out of service, less than 10%, but imagine it was 40%, 13 or 14!?

City-owned Toronto Island Ferries is still running ferries aged 57 to 88 years.

The state-owned CalMac ferries in Scotland has no ferry older than 46 and ran 378 sailings at 100% reliability on Sunday.

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