Man dies of cancer after delays four times longer than target and police investigate the hospital but the Health Secretary gets no mention

In April 2021, we could write: 8 deaths in NHS England, police investigate, but no mention of Matt Hancock after BBC Lancashire wrote:

A police investigation into the neglect of patients at a hospital is now examining eight deaths, the BBC has discovered. A coroner has been asked to review the deaths at Blackpool Victoria Infirmary, which all happened in late 2018. A separate and unrelated murder investigation into the death of another patient is ongoing.

before failing to even mention the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, while in 2019, SNP Health Secretary was fully exposed (above) for allegedly concealing an infection death though having followed the data protection act.

The contrast between BBC Scotland and all the other BBCs has been often reported here.

Today, we have the Guardian reporting:

A troubled NHS trust has apologised to the family of a man who died after a series of delays led to him waiting four times longer for an operation than a national cancer target.

Before he died in November 2022, Ken Valder, 66, a former tax inspector and voluntary steward at Brighton & Hove Albion football club, complained of “delays after delay” to his treatment for oesophageal cancer.

University Hospitals Sussex – the focus of a separate police investigation into allegations of surgical negligence and cover-ups over dozens of deaths between 2015 and 2021 – admitted that errors, failures and disagreements between surgeons contributed to delays to Valder’s treatment.

There’s no mention of the Health Secretary. Who is that, again?

BBC News England, don’t have the story nor do BBC Sussex.

More generally how do Sussex do? 33% wait longer than the 62-day target for cancer treatment.

In Scotland’s 11 health boards, for Greater Glasgow and Clyde, it’s 27% and for 6 of them it’s less that 20%:

Labour-run Wales? The best is 34%, the other 5 are at over 40% and one is at 52%

One thought on “Man dies of cancer after delays four times longer than target and police investigate the hospital but the Health Secretary gets no mention

  1. The only saving grace that I can think of is that less and less folk now listen, view or trust any of the output by BBC Scotland. Many of their older and more regular audience are also sadly passing away as well.

    People eventually realise, when they watch the Network BBC output on similar matters elsewhere in the UK, or via TUS, just how much continuous “smearing” of the SNP and its politicians by BBC Scotland is taking place. The same decline both in circulation and standards is taking place with the “Scottish” Newspapers as well.

    I often wonder why BBC Scotland behaves in the way it does, or even is allowed to by its parent organisation. I guess we will find out in time, but best not to pay them in the interim and use your money more wisely.

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