‘I’ll save the NHS. Sir Keir will let me have a go’ Another liar – the apple never falls far from the tree!

From the Guardian in 1999:

Mohammed Sarwar [Father of Anas, above], the suspended Labour MP, was yesterday accused of telling ‘a hundred lies’ over the events which led to his arrest. As he gave evidence for a second day at the High Court in Edinburgh, he admitted he had lied to his lawyer and a Labour Party investigation after a newspaper published an article that he believed would destroy his political career. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/1999/mar/12/gerardseenan

Sarwar’s promise is based on UK Labour’s promise to help Welsh Labour reverse their catastrophic failures:

To read the facts, fully sourced: https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/?s=NHS+Wales

To read the facts, fully sourced: https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/?s=NHS+Wales

2 thoughts on “‘I’ll save the NHS. Sir Keir will let me have a go’ Another liar – the apple never falls far from the tree!

  1. The man couldn’t find his own ass with both hands and a guide map.

    MSM love to play the game of promoting their party for power and to hell with the consequences for the country.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Given the opportunity , both of the Sarwars would happily have stood for the Conservatives if they were able to get selected . They are the very epitome of self-serving politicians who would join any party which could help them get their snouts in the Public Trough .

    Liked by 1 person

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