Once more, global pollsters with no ties to London find Yes ahead again

In a sea of angry red NOs going back for the last year and beyond, one pollster repeatedly fails to find the evidence that folk are abandoning the Yes movement despite a series of politically orchestrated ‘scandals’.

Ipsos – Institut Public de Sondage d’Opinion Secteur) is a multinational market research and consulting firm with headquarters in ParisFrance. The company was founded in 1975 by Didier Truchot, Chairman of the company, and has been publicly traded on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1 July 1999.

You won’t find the words, UK, England, London or Conservative anywhere in the origins of Ipsos, unlike many other pollsters currently insisting Yes is dead.

Redcoat & Wilton, for example, have had 13 polls since January 2023, all have found a No majority. Their last Yes majority was in November 2022 in the middle of a run of 7 Yes majorities by other pollsters with leads of up to 11%. They got 4%. Among their 13, they had the biggest No leads. No other pollster compares.

For 9 years now, Ipsos have regularly reported Yes and SNP leads.

How accurate have Ipsos MORI been in UK general elections?

In 2019, the actual share of the vote was Con 44.7, Lab 33, LD 11.8 and Ipsos MORI predicted 44, 33 and 12. In 2017, they were second best, after Survation, 0.7% out.

In their last poll in January 2024, they had a 6 point lease for Yes.

Today, they find another lead for Yes, at 51% to 49%, after an uninterrupted run of 9 No leads by the other pollsters: https://x.com/IpsosScotland/status/1800850165412335971

6 thoughts on “Once more, global pollsters with no ties to London find Yes ahead again

  1. Perhaps we should do a poll of Pollsters :

    ”Hands up all those who do their polling outside of Ibrox !”

    ”Hands up all those who use Baroness Truthless Davidson to do their stats !”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Might be wrong, but does IPSOS not have an branch office in Scotland that they conduct their polling from and therefore tends to be more accurate?

    As for the English based pollsters, well they are as reliable as the “Scottish Media” in my book and certainly not to be trusted.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Similar observations have been made elsewhere on Ipsos results being the more consistent, but I doubt any are in the least surprised by publicity over ‘YES dying out’ given the existential threat it poses to the ‘status quo’.

    With levels of trust in both political parties in England at an all time low, it is impossible to believe in Scotland it is any less, yet that is precisely what the media have been peddling for months.

    That it has not shown up as a massive boost in ‘YES’ numbers should not really be a surprise, until the question is asked in context of pressing decision, many will be keeping their powder dry – When decision time comes, they’ll blow the roof off…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. england doesnt just control our money our oil gas electricity our economy our laws what we get to watch on tv and radio and what is in our newspapers they control how our whole existence is shaped when was the last time you seen or heard Scottish music on tv or radio we are a country without a tv or radio station that provides output for its people , instead we are fed english tv and radio the hundreds of thousands of english in Scotland love it they can watch england football team live on tv whilst we get recorded highlights of Scotland football team they even showed england womens football team live on tv here in Scotland recently


  5. Redford & Wilton suddenly appeared with No majorities that were riddled spelling errors. There also zero data what the company Is owned by which got It grade lowered.


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