Do Scotland’s Labour candidates support their leader’s laughing at child poverty and leaving thousands of them in it?

Elaine Stewart, Labour candidate for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock
Alan Gemmell OBE, HM trade Commissioner under Boris Johnson and Labour candidate for Central Ayrshire

Here’s Sir Keir, tin-eared and clearly complacent about poverty, laughing at a wee girl talking about her family’s fuel poverty:

What kind of people are the Labour candidates in Scotland, if they can keep going behind this horrible man?

And, do the Labour candidates in Scotland accept his views on the two child benefit cap?

See this from the Canary, today:

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) estimates that the two child benefit cap impacts 1.5 million children, including 1.1 million children in poverty.

Abolishing the cap, CPAG states, would lift 250,000 children out of poverty. And it would improve even worse poverty for another 850,000 children. Families are losing about £3,200 per year for children born after 6 April 2017. This is when the policy came into force. The Labour Party leader said he would not scrap the policy in mid-May:

What I can’t do is make promises that I can’t deliver on. And this is really important to the question about hope.

Because where we’ve had to say now: there are things that we might want to do but we can’t because the economy has been damaged. As usual, Starmer peddles the establishment myth that there’s ‘no money’. That’s despite the UK having a sovereign currency it can use to facilitate the organisation of public services and also redistribute money. Even a small wealth tax of 1-2% on assets over £10m would rebalance the economy to a less unequal place by up to £22bn per year. Ending the two child benefit cap would mean impacted families together receive (and then necessarily spend in the UK economy) £1.3bn per year.

If you get the chance, ask them.

3 thoughts on “Do Scotland’s Labour candidates support their leader’s laughing at child poverty and leaving thousands of them in it?

  1. The video is utterly boke making. Starmer has no connection with what the girl is saying or understanding how his laughter would affect her and her mum.
    All that on top of a charisma bypass.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, so stop freaking complaining and get a onesie that fits you pet! Labour’s message to those struggling, pull your socks up, get another job lazy good for nothings, that kid could easily work she seems healthy enough!
    I think a few cartoonists could have a field day with that one, though not the ones at the pretendy lefty Grauniad. Ok I’m off to look for correct fitting onsies for us all, who needs heating after all woohoo! Send that video to the SNP, they should quote it at FMQs!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sir Kid Starver will , rightly , have questions for his team as to how some poor people were allowed to approach SO CLOSE to the next PM ! Crivvens !

    Liked by 1 person

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