Will Central Ayrshire Labour candidate condemn his leader’s hypocritical use of a private jets funded by country where abuse of workers and women is rife?

From the Irvine Times, today:

Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds joined his party’s candidate for Central Ayrshire on a visit to Prestwick’s GE Caledonian site at the weekend. Mr Reynolds and candidate Alan Gemmell [OBE] were exploring the potential for future investment and jobs in Prestwick’s aerospace sector.

From the Guardian on 31st May::

Keir Starmer has admitted travelling via ‘efficient’ private jet to Scotland ‘in the middle of a very busy general election campaign’, despite Labour having previously criticised Rishi Sunak for using aircraft to get around the country. Starmer was in Glasgow to talk about the party’s Great British Energy flagship policy

In October 2023, from the BBC:

A Labour government would curb the use of “private jets” by ministers, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has said. Ms Reeves attacked Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s “private jet habit” in her speech to Labour’s conference. She said Labour would enforce ministerial rules on the use of private aircraft for official trips to “save millions of pounds for taxpayers”.

In January 2024, from the BBC again:

Sir Keir Starmer flew in a private jet paid for by Qatar to visit the country’s leader last month, according to parliamentary records. The Labour leader made a return trip to the kingdom whilst attending the COP28 climate conference held in Dubai. His latest declaration of financial interests shows the trip for him and three staffers cost £25,508.

What’s wrong about Qatar if you’re the leader of the Labour Party?

This, from Amnesty International:

Authorities continued to restrict the right to freedom of expression and silence critical voices. Migrant workers continued to face a range of abuses, including wage theft, forced labour and exploitation, and had inadequate access to grievance and redress mechanisms. Women continued to face discrimination in law and practice. Discriminatory laws put LGBTI people at risk of detention.

3 thoughts on “Will Central Ayrshire Labour candidate condemn his leader’s hypocritical use of a private jets funded by country where abuse of workers and women is rife?

  1. Well, Johnson got away with ignoring the rules he set for others during Covid. Eventually they caught up with him. But a legal eagle can ensure that whatever he does is perfectly legal.

    He is redefining ‘green’ politics to mean fossil fuel and nuclear energy, because the GMB is payrolling the party.

    Alasdair Macdonald


  2. Douglas Ross.

    He has faced accusations that he may have claimed expenses to facilitate travel to his third job as a football linesman – which he has strongly rejected.

    Why is it that Police Scotland has not be asked to investigate these allegations as it involves public money and could end end up as fraud.

    Mr Murell, Michael Matheson come to mind.


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