Latest sub-poll – Swinney turning things round?

Deltapoll’s most recent for 8 June, has the SNP ahead by 38 to 34 in a sub-poll of 173.

Sub-polls are, of course, of limited value but when you look at a sequence by the same pollster, using the same sampling methods, a trend is of some interest.

In their previous poll to 3rd June, it was 40/25 in favour of Labour.

For 25 May it was 38/29 for Labour.

For 7 May, 36/36 and for 29 April, 45/29 in favour of Labour.

22 thoughts on “Latest sub-poll – Swinney turning things round?

  1. The media are waiting until closer to the election day to drop some juicy titbits to put people off voting for SNP.

    Wait for the ‘big’ story. They’ll m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶u̶p̶ find an exclusive.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. They will ramp up the BritNat propaganda for sure, they Brit state don’t play nice, in fact they play very dirty indeed and are experts at which tactics to use. The EngBrit state learned their lesson in 2014 when they saw that independence was almost a cert, hence breaking the election rules and counting postal votes in England and even declaring ‘no’ had a majority before all votes were counted!

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Indeed! The same BBC article also has this nonsense: ‘In truth, Douglas Ross has always seemed more comfortable in the UK parliament where for a time he served as a Scotland office minister under Boris Johnson.’

          And what about a BBC Scotland journalist having the brass neck to preface anything with use of the term ‘in truth’!

          Ross’ statement about his political future was given substantial coverage on Radio 4’s PM programme this evening. No mention of the expenses allegations revealed by the Sunday Mail following a leak by a Tory Party staffer!

          Liked by 8 people

          1. D.Ross is hoping for a seat at the HOL’s he’s a grifter and he will jump as high as instructed by the Brit state to shaft his own country. ‘A parcel of rogues’, indeed even in 2024.
            Robert Burns had the measure of things re the Brit state.

            Liked by 4 people

        2. Indeed, you could see where Glenn Campbell was heading with this when he cited Yousaf and the BHA in the opening paragraphs, itself a Pacific Quay contrivance absent context….

          Liked by 2 people


    now we need all indy supporters to get posting to EVERY POTENTIAL ‘YES VOTER’



    Liked by 3 people

    1. I understand from a James Cook email, that there will be a BBC Scotland two hour “Broon-A-Vision” special where a special Vow will be announced just prior to the election.

      Probably it will be some commemorative stamps featuring famous North British people if Labour come to power.

      Liked by 4 people





        and therefore more poverty for SCOTS

        Liked by 2 people

  3. “Swinney turning things around?” I was pleased to see a notification from Swinney that Independence will be on line One of the SNP Manifesto to be published shortly and hope that will solidify the improvement.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. O/T This may have been covered on TuS before but I’ve just been reading about a ‘patriot’s’ pride in the past achievements of his ‘country’ (with my emphasis):

    ‘And now, as Labour leader, the privilege of meeting people in towns, villages and cities right across our country, who all seem to share the same stoic wit and quiet decency (sic). It’s a daily reminder of what the Labour Party is and who it serves. Because whether it’s establishing Nato and the NHS as monuments to our collective sacrifice in the 1940s, or the renewal of our public realm at the start of this century, Labour is at its best when it has celebrated, defended and served the values of our country and its people.

    ‘For me, this is what real patriotism is about. It isn’t just about respecting our shared symbols and sentiments. It’s also about serving the country we love. My entire career– from being this country’s chief prosecutor to leader of the Opposition – has been dedicated to public service. That’s why, after all the changes I have made, this is now a Labour Party that will always put country above party.

    Yes, this is from an article penned by your likely next Prime Minister, Keir Starmer. It comes from an article published in The Telegraph on 20 April 2024.

    (Recall that as Director of Public Prosecutions, Starmer’s role was restricted just to England and Wales.)

    The remarkable thing – given the references to his ‘country’ and its achievements in establishing NATO and the NHS – is the title of Starmer’s comment piece and the ‘shared symbol’ he is discussing: ‘Labour is now the true party of English patriotism – I have no time for those who flinch at our flag. The cross of St George belongs to all who love this country’. (see ) It could hardly be made more explicit: the ‘country’ being referred to throughout is England!

    In an article about English patriotism with its multiple references to his ‘country’, to then use the phrase ‘always put country above party’ is crass for someone seeking votes in Scotland and Wales, and who recently said he will put Scotland “at the beating heart” of the UK in he gains power in Westminster (see Holyrood Magazine 24 May, 2024: ‘Starmer pledges to put Scotland ‘at the beating heart’ of clean-energy Britain’)

    In an article about his English patriotism, to make reference to ‘establishing Nato and the NHS as monuments to our collective sacrifice in the 1940s’ is even more crass – are these achievements to be attributed only to the Labour Party of his country, England?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. “In an article about English patriotism with its multiple references to his ‘country’, to then use the phrase ‘always put country above party’ is crass for someone seeking votes in Scotland and Wales, and who recently said he will put Scotland “at the beating heart” of the UK in he gains power in Westminster (see Holyrood Magazine 24 May, 2024: ‘Starmer pledges to put Scotland ‘at the beating heart’ of clean-energy Britain’)

      Well he does want Scotland to be the beating heart of the UK. Just not in the emotive way people are supposed to understand it.

      The heart pumps blood which contains oxygen around the rest of body, which can use that resource to function at no cost to itself. If it were to stop beating the body would die.

      Substitute heart = Scotland; body = Yookay; blood = energy/water.


      1. EDIT:

        body = England

        Not the ‘England n Dwales’ beloved by the beeb.

        Dwales could manage perfectly well as Wales


  5. Much has been written elsewhere on certainty to vote figures and reluctance of SNP voters to engage with pollsters, so I’d read any polling at this stage as even more speculative than usual….

    The “Scottish Labour landslide” narrative so heavily promoted by the media for months, conflating Holyrood with Westminster, is now running out of hot air – As public opinion in England has swung heavily in favour of the SNP (even though they do not stand there), that realisation is drifting across the border – As many have commented in England, Stephen Flynn has impressed as the only adult in the room, relentlessly addressing hard facts whilst Tories and Labour do their usual dance on the head of a political pin – The same was true of most SNP MPs regularly being praised on English forums, but it is Stephen’s exposure which has brought it mainstream as the GE progresses.

    No matter what the Crown Office now contrives or James Cook conjures, the wheels are finally coming off the London propaganda bus, or should that be “luxury motorhome”…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for sharing that Bob, it’s taken the English way to long to get here, not that you would get a feel for that from the states media.


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      1. I don’t know it’s so much the English being behind rather than Flynn having broken through the media wall to reach the majority which the media cannot then ignore.

        Clips of SNP MPs in the Commons and Committees has long featured on English blogs and podcasts, those where John Nicholson is eviscerating Tories for instance is a regular, but in all cases winning praise for their no nonsense approach….

        The ‘public’ only hear what echoes in the political media bubble, same as in Scotland – Here we have WGD, TuS, etc beavering away in the background, never to be mentioned on the media as it runs contrary to the BBC official line. The same is true in England albeit without our particular perspectives.

        You never hear about majority English support for an Indy2 referendum ( as it’s ‘democratic’) or the majority in favour of reversing Brexit, the media presents the HMG line which runs contrary – Yet it was the politics on Gaza which really pissed the English electorate off – Tory and Labour saying one thing, the public saying another, painted negatively amid claims of anti-semitic behaviour.

        England’s public now want their democracy back from the charlatans who stole it, whilst the media portrays the charlatans as representing public opinion – Not so very different to Scotland, it’s just our tempers that are shorter…. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

        1. This is what I keep trying to explain to people.

          Once you see it you can’t unsee it. Once you know, you can’t NOT know.

          But first, you’ve got to know that you don’t know. Then you’ve got to know how to find out where you can find out.

          A lot of English-educated people (and I used to be one of them) didn’t know either. A lot of Scottish people don’t know either. But I think a lot more are now finding out!

          Maybe the SNP in WM aren’t wasting their time after all. Every time they’re ignored/insulted/talked over/jeered at someone ‘sees’.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. ” Once you see it you can’t unsee it ” is true, but there is always someone who casts doubt on what you “think” you know, dissuading it catching on.
            – Elron Levy is an infamous case in point on the Israeli government over Gaza, Nick Robinson is another on the Salmond conference example of extreme editing, yet then there are the more subtle ‘news management” oddities such as Nicola Sturgeon’s defence of James Cook rights as a journalist completely divorced from his deliberate stitch up of protestors to divert the “story” from the headline ‘Tory leadership contest in Perth not welcomed by the public/protestors”.
            The SNP have been wasting their time at all in Westminster – For example – There was a wonderful C4 “Fourcast” with Matt Frei as host perhaps a month ago with Mhairi Black as one of the guests, and an ex-Tory MP whose name I can’t recall – Not a peep on “The media”, whilst English forums were heaping praise on the intelligent conversation on show.
            “Media management” is the problem, what might previously have been referred to as propaganda anywhere else but the UK has become normalised, hence ‘Reform’ sweeping the country under a leader who would struggle to know what to do with a brush, as presaged by XTC..


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