Will these Labour candidates in Ayrshire admit that they plan to support £18 billion in cuts to vital public services and to make child poverty even worse?

Elaine Stewart, Labour candidate for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock
Alan Gemmell OBE, HM trade Commissioner under Boris Johnson and Labour candidate for Central Ayrshire

Both of the above have been happy recently to accuse the SNP of a failure to eradicate child poverty in Ayrshire, regardless of the unique Child Payment in Scotland and the significantly lower rate of child poverty in Scotland than in England or Wales.

In February 2024, The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) reported:

The Autumn Statement forecasts were predicated on a fresh round of spending cuts. Public sector investment is planned to be frozen in cash terms, whereas maintaining investment (net of depreciation) at its current share of national income in 2028–29 would require an additional £20 billion of spending. While day-to-day spending on public services would rise in real terms by £17 billion overall, after accounting for plausible settlements for spending on the NHS, childcare, defence, schools and overseas aid, other areas of government would face real-terms cuts of £18 billion by 2028–29.https://ifs.org.uk/articles/how-do-parties-policy-proposals-fit-their-fiscal-rules

The Labour Party has refused to commit to any further taxation to prevent these cuts and First Minister, John Swinney, has reasonably asked Labour to explain, then, where these cuts will come from.

Voters in these Ayrshire constituencies need to be aware of this and to ask the candidates what their view is.

4 thoughts on “Will these Labour candidates in Ayrshire admit that they plan to support £18 billion in cuts to vital public services and to make child poverty even worse?

  1. Ah but ‘Sir’ Keir has said there will be no ‘austerity’. There will be cuts to public expenditure, but it won’t be called ‘austerity’. This will be passed into law in the same way that by law, Rwanda is a safe place.


  2. Slightly off topic, but on the front page of The Daily Ranger, Anas Sarwar is quoted as saying: “I get why so many voted SNP, but Labour will bin the Tories.”

    If he ‘gets’ why so many vote for the SNP, why is he and his party so arrogantly dismissive of calls for the people who live in Scotland to be able to decide how they govern themselves?

    What is Labour offering the people of Scotland other than ‘binning the Tories’? Indeed, what is Labour offering the entire UK other than ‘binning the Tories’? WHAT IS LABOUR ACTUALLY PROPOSING TO DO? There seems to be very little different from what the Tories are doing. There is no OFFER to the voters other than ‘Vote for us, because we’re no them …….. but we’re no telling you what we will do differently, because otherwise you will just be disappointed.’

    Essentially, what Mr Sarwar is offering is the traditional Labour vacuity: “We should be governing Scotland and yese’ll get whitever we think yese need. It’ll no be very much, but it’ll be us that’s gi’en yese it.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The usual Labour LIE, Scotland vote Labour to get the Tories out in England/UK/GB/Britannia/the world and if you don’t it’ll be ALL your fault when your bestie pals in UK/Eng/GB whatever it’s now called, is condemned to a life of Tory rule forever and ever!
      LabCons are relying on peoples’ ignorance, let’s hope far more have the savvy to see through their BritNat EngGB lies.


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