Polly Toynbee tries to include Scotland in the UK’s climbing infant deaths as they fall here

By Professor John Robertson

In the Guardian on Friday, that supposedly leftist, denier of Scotland’s right to independence, Polly Toynbee, had:

The long-term trend in infant deaths has been downwards, as you would expect. But not recently in the UK. The Nuffield Foundation reported in 2021 that Britain’s rate of infant deaths was 30% above the median across EU countries. According to OECD data, the UK ranks 30th out of 48 countries for infant deaths. 

The facts for England:

There were 3.9 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, and 10 child deaths per 100,000 population; higher than in 2021 (3.7 and 8, respectively). The neonatal mortality rate (aged under 28 days) was 2.9 deaths per 1,000 live births; the mortality rate was generally lower for neonates of longer gestations.

The facts for Scotland:

Infant deaths down from 3.9 to 3.5 and neonatal down from 2.8 to 2.2.

Under Scottish Labour until 2007 – 4.7 and 3.3.

Causes? SNP policies?





10 thoughts on “Polly Toynbee tries to include Scotland in the UK’s climbing infant deaths as they fall here

  1. Another example of the UK / Britain / This Country = England mindset from a old Journalist who really by this time, should have visited other nations in the UK.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Yeh….she is another Pro UK Journo who sees everything , which when presented as negative, as then being that as within the narrow prism of her whole UK …..she, like others, cannot see any positive distinction emanating from Scotland alone against the negatives via England that drags their whole UK down (media and politically derived negativity that is)…..as that would then, she and others think, promote Scotland as better politically and perhaps then give more confidence to those who live her to then be more supportive of Scottish independence…….cannae have that can we……………..

    She’s a Labour Shill…….not a Corbyn Labour….but a Starmer Toryfied Labour…….one of the Labour client media………she would be as well writing for their, Labour’s, Fan magazine….oh wait she does…..she writes for the Guardian…..LOL

    A bit like Paul Hutcheon and David Clegg here in Scotland…..their animosity towards both the SNP and Scottish independence while their support for Labour and their UK compromises both of their positions as supposed actual Journalists….they forget that Political propaganda doth not maketh political news but falls under the category of FAKE news………..LOL

    An independent Scotland needs an overhaul of the media here……..we need far less hacks (as in none) and no mega rich media owners forcing their political preferred party upon the readers via a constant stream of biased, partisan propaganda…..we need more honest and fair reporting on all political parties…..and not, as we witness now, an orchestrated media vendetta against one party only.…as in the SNP……….where other political parties get away with Blue (and Red/Orange) Murder……

    Perhaps Polly needs to get the Kettle on and sit down with a cup of tea and start to focus on how the media where she is…. are (over) platforming Nigel Farage and his latest political party pre this GE…..Why ?…..to gain him seats ?…….he , Farage, currently works for a TV Channel (GB News) that competes with SKY, BBC, and Channel 4 news…… it also competes with Talk TV online….

    Yet they all , as news programmes/channels , and too via their various politics programmes (debates and discussions), are all promoting and platforming him ?….he, Farage, only has one MP for his party who, as an MP, defected form the Tory party (so not voted in, elected, by voters as a Reform UK party MP)………….so why is he, Farage, getting so much attention via the UK media ……yet the third party at WM, the SNP, are being very much ignored in the majority of the coverage for this UK GE, via the UK media ?????

    Wake up Scotland…even in a UK GE….our votes , opinions or the party we normally vote for via a majority of elected MP’s & MSP’s, as in the SNP, do not count !

    Vote SNP on July 4th……..show them all (UK political and media sources) that we in Scotland cannot be continually conned or disregarded as voters currently in their UK………..by them as the pro UK (HQ’s all in England) supposed media news providers and also as Pro UK political parties………exception being when they note #SNPBAD (on matters where the SNP have actually performed far far better than either Tory governed England or Labour governed Wales…as in something else both pro UK media and Pro UK parties choose to ignore as in disregard as a fact within their UK)


    Liked by 4 people

    1. *defected form the Tory party

      defected from the Tory party

      Yeh another spelling mistake…..or predictive text refusing to write the word that I want to write but instead replacing it with theirs…..Swines….LOL

      If there are any other ‘errors’ in my above comment…..past caring now…LOL


      Liked by 2 people

  3. Ah, she has come a long way from Yafford on the Isle of Wight, mainly due to her departure before ‘ferries’ became an issue.. Mary Louisa has long had a toyn in her bonnet about almost everything, yet despite her staggered education including Oxford finally landed on politics without once questioning why “the UK” didn’t have an ‘s’, and still blanks it to this day.

    ‘Polly’ put the kettle on years ago, a pity she didn’t have tea and continued to refill the kettle…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “‘Polly’ put the kettle on years ago, a pity she didn’t have tea and continued to refill the kettle…”

      That made me laugh out loud…..still laughing at it too…..LOL


      Liked by 2 people

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