Bradford drugs gang ‘recruited an 11 year-old to deal’ in Ayrshire town

The Metro today is reporting a survey of all UK police forces to find out how many under 16’s have been recruited to deal drugs by the County Lines gangs operating out of large cities in England and, in several cases, in small Scottish towns. They also asked about the age of the youngest child being exploited in this way and identified three 10 year-olds and numerous 11 year-olds – Primary School pupils. 1

Police Scotland did not respond to the Metro survey, but from social media comments by locals in Auchinleck and Cumnock (East Ayrshire) last November, it was known that a County Lines gang from Bradford in England was recruiting children including one 11 year-old. 2

Local groups of youth seem to have driven the Bradford gang out and judging by local media, the towns are now quiet. I’m not aware of any other town where that has been achieved.

To this day, Scotland’s MSM including, of course, BBC Scotland will not cover this phenomenon. It looks bad for the Union.

In April, I wrote in more detail:

I have a google alert for ‘county lines.’ Every day I get links to media reports on that, across England and Wales. I haven’t had one by a Scottish media outlet.

BBC Scotland have not mentioned them since 2021, and only once then.

From Yorkshire Live, 19 April 2024:

Bradford gang spread misery and class As in huge county lines operation. A Bradford county lines gang who spread drugs and misery throughout a town and city in East Yorkshire has been jailed.

‘Bradford’ reminded me of the November 2023 ‘riots’ in Auchinleck and Cumnock (East Ayrshire) and the local reports ignored by the media:


Also, in comments under previous TuS posts we see this kind of comment:

I live in Cumnock, next town along, about a mile from Auchinleck. The protests were local communities rallying against drug dealing gangs “cuckooing” in the houses of people in the area. Auchinleck, Cumnock and Catrine I have heard specifically. These gangs are purported to be from the Bradford area. Some of the things they are alleged to have done are,

giving young girls drugs then photographing them in indecent poses while they are “out of it”. We are talking 13 / 14 year olds

locking two young boys in a room to fight , the winner gets free drugs

making a young woman put a firework in her trouser pocket and setting it off in exchange for drugs

threatening to rape and groping women on the street

The police have been present in riot gear as the protests could quite easily turn very nasty but as previously stated the context of why these protests and gatherings are taking place are not being reported.

There’s clearly a gap here between what locals know and what our MSM is prepared to talk about if it might be seen to be racist or to weaken the case for the Union. Imagine if these were Scottish drug gangs terrorising small town England. You can see the headlines without much thought.

Other source:



10 thoughts on “Bradford drugs gang ‘recruited an 11 year-old to deal’ in Ayrshire town

  1. I was sent this today from Amnesty International.
    Yes we do very much need a human rights bill in Scotland, in order to protect human rights against the English govs’ ‘plan’ to remove Scotland and rUK from the ECHR.

    But this?

    They claim this about Scotland;
    ‘Across Scotland, children are growing up in the grip of poverty, families are stuck in temporary accommodation and many are denied the care they need. The Human Rights Bill can help to change that, by strengthening our NHS, addressing the national housing emergency, empowering communities, improving social care, and tackling poverty’.
    Quite a claim!!

    Just wow, and all in the run up to e the GE. Sick of these English ‘International’ and other charities’ false and inaccurate claims when it comes to Scotland.

    I will contact them when I have time, anyone else have time can you do the same, send them TUS articles, and SNP policies in place to mitigate against the EngGovs’ terrible, disgisting, deliberate and unnecessary austerity on the poorest in their so called UK.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. O/T

    BBC Website

    Scotland page:

    There is now only one story in the top section of this page re the nasty political episode we recently witnessed with Dross U turning on his former decision on standing as an MP and choosing the seat of a sick colleague who himself stated he wanted to still stand as the chosen Tory candidate for that seat…..this story is the fifth story in their top section of stories

    (Soon I am sure to descend even lower as a story before it disappears completely)…… and contrast with the multitude of stories on Michael Mathieson which lasted for days/weeks which as headlines were all ‘attacks’ on Mr Mathieson and not as a story one that very quickly became a story via his colleagues defending him that was headlined as such by the BBC website.

    The headline in this fifth story on Dross is:

    “Tories insist Ross played no part in dropping candidate”

    Way way further down are other older stories on this episode via DRoss and Duguid in other sections of this page………also soon , I am sure, to disappear..…completely.

    Also in top section of this page is a story on Sarwar headlined as:

    “Sunak’s early return from D-Day events ‘unforgivable’ – Sarwar”

    Labour the third party at Holyrood and currently with only 2 WM MP’s elected via Scotland yet Anas Sarwar is promoted as if he was the Scottish FM and also as if the majority of MP’s elected via Scotland were Labour MP’s………..this story re Sarwar is the third story on the BBC Scottish Politics page………sorry has the actual FM of Scotland , John Swinney, not also remarked on this sorry Tory episode via Sunak……and thus why then is that not also being headlined on the BBC website via either their Scotland page or their Scottish Politics page.

    Just so readers know this is what our actual FM John Swinney was reported as having said (elsewhere in the media) on that sorry Tory PM episode:

    “The SNP leader told journalists during a campaign event in Livingston: “I think Rishi Sunak’s credibility is completely destroyed by his departure from D-Day early and the insult he delivered to the veterans who had travelled to Normandy for that solemn occasion”

    Also on the BBC Scottish Politics page there are headlined stories that are headlined only about David Duguid not Dross….also soon, I am sure, to disappear from that page….in the hope that it, as another Tory nasty and sorry episode, is then also forgotten and thus deemed insignificant.

    BTW I had a heads up from a friend that when she was on YouTube there was a lot of videos interrupted by advertising from Scottish Labour…… she told me she had a multitude of Scottish (INO) Labour videos taht kept coming up and interrupting what she was watching…..her daughter also told her this happened to her too …then I read this funny comment online:

    ” Is it just me, but why the f I’m gettin Scottish Labour adds like every 3 minutes on youtube”?

    “It only started like yesterday evening and today, literally anything I watch after 3 mins and the again and again getting this Scottish Labour ad. I’m not even in politics idk wtf who’s Scottish Labour are and so on, but if you f kin paid for this, f**** off. Ok”?

    Someone else responded “Yes, I’m getting the same crap too, My twitter feed is also full of Labour tweets. They’ve obviously splurged a lot of money to various social media platforms to get their message out. Still can’t say I am any the wiser on what they stand for though, other than Unionism and genocide”

    So I spoke to my friend again and she said that was exactly what happened to her on YouTube…every three mins or so another advert came up for Scottish Labour…..she said it must be costing them a mint… how much money are they, as a party, getting via donations and how much are they spending on trying to gain seats in Scotland….plus all of the free publicity via the medial here in Scotland……I would be surprised if after all of that they didn’t indeed win over some voters……..mind you my friend said the constant adverts irritated her more and thus had an adverse impact on how she felt about Labour….(as in same reaction as the person quoted above via their online comment on this….so this could backfire on Labour party big time… be seen as propaganda and also Q’s asked where this money for these multitude of adverts has come from to do this )

    Has anyone else seen this via Social media….Facebook, YouTube etc ?

    This reminds me of pre Brexit and all of the Facebook adverts, many of which were fake declarations (Lies) on what would happen if we both stayed in and also left the EU………..with Cambridge Analytica behind many of these adverts……….whose doing these Scottish Labour’s adverts ?????……….

    BTW the BBC in 2017 ran a story on their website entitled “Election 2017: Scottish voters targeted by ‘dark ads’ on Facebook”….hmm have they, the BBC, also seen the excessive amount of online ads via Scottish Labour targeting Scottish voters just now for this 2024 GE………..

    In 2017 “the UK’s Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, launched an investigation into political adverts on social media and the “potential impact they have on an individual’s privacy”.

    “Facebook is a gold mine of personal data”…….”This information allows parties an unprecedented opportunity to splinter their message – to tailor, tweak, personalise and craft their messages to very specific niches of the electorate”.

    “But, unlike traditional posters or pamphlets, political adverts on social media are “dark” in the sense that only the intended audience will see the advert – our neighbours may very well see a different advert from the same party”

    However in this BBC story they, BBC, chose to highlight what they said was a ‘Dark ad’ via the SNP’s Mhairi Black which they, BBC , said was targeting voters under 20 the ad was her face and a message “STOP Scrolling” with the SNP Logo on picture…..where they, BBC, state “For the first time we get an insight into the world of so-called “dark advertising” and how Scottish voters specifically have been targeted”

    So this is now the 2024 GE and ‘Dark ads’ via Scottish Labour are extremely active and excessive on social media targeting Scottish voters………… then BBC Scotland whose corporation is self appointed monitor of dark Ads in elections…………..over to you….and start do your job !

    Waiting !…………..still waiting…………..still waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (suspect this will be a long wait……)



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