Sir Keir Starmer u-turns on his mum’s love of freedom

In 2023, Starmer wrote:

This year, I braved the British summer and holidayed at home in the Lake District. I’ve always felt it’s the perfect place for a family holiday and so it proved. From boating on Windermere to scrambling up the crags of the Langdale Pikes, lakeside fish and chips or simply drinks in the beer garden — soggy or sunny, there really is something there for everyone.

Taking my kids to the Lakes provided a special rush of nostalgia, because I went there every summer as a child. My mum adored it, she thrived in the open air and rugged beauty, the freedom and sense of community. That spirit also remains in good health. A friend’s dog — Chilli, a retriever cross — disappeared on a walk from Grasmere, but the whole community came out to search until, eventually, Chilli was found by a local climber. A little shaken and with a bang to the head, but, I’m pleased to report, now well on the road to recovery.

Today in the Guardian, we read:

No major political party [in England] is expected to have a right to roam policy in its manifesto. Labour initially committed to a Scottish-style right to roam but made a U-turn after pressure from landowners.

Another u-turn on the road to a better nation by the man with no qualities. For more on that, see:

9 thoughts on “Sir Keir Starmer u-turns on his mum’s love of freedom

  1. “Sir Keir Starmer u-turns on his mum’s love of freedom”

    I was expecting to read how he has her locked in an attic somewhere when she told him he has more faces than the town hall clock.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not sure I would welcome the right to roam in England given the level of sh*t in its rivers and on its beaches and seashore and even its lakes such as Windermere.


  3. He just never fails to disappoint does he……….Keith Starmer…..LOL

    No one can trust a word he says……a pledge made today….is gone tomorrow….LOL

    Another hypocrite who critiques the SNP as he assumes , via sheer audacity, that he is entitled, as one of the UK self appointed Overlords (LOL), to opine on others while others are somehow not awarded the same privilege to opine upon him, Starmer , or his party as in the Labour party (New New One as in deffo not a Socialist one)……….

    One of a parcel of (many) UK rogues……who walks and talks like a Robot (and is so very far removed as how a Leader should look and talk )……

    RoboFlop aka Keir Starmer ( don’t forget the SIR) ……… for his party and expect to then get Buyers Remorse big time…… you will not get what you assume you are voting for but instead you will get a substandard counterfeit imitation of party playing at being the UK government….should Labour win the next GE…..indeed you may even think it is still the Tories in charge of the UK……as no distinction is there between the two parties via policy, lying, rhetoric and false flag waving and displaying patriotism to rally the uber Nationalists who have fallen for the fake notion that Britain is great ……….Newsflash : It Ain’t…..mind you neither are Labour…LOL

    God give me strength…….sick of RoboFlop Starmer… better than Boris Johnson really……….or indeed any Tory leader….same mould …cut from…..Plastic politician.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Long comment sorry……

    So today I just got some election bumf through my door , in an envelope, addressed to me from the Labour party…..this is about the 5th piece of propaganda I have had from them.

    My area is the SNP Tommy Sheppard’s constituency Edinburgh East & Musselburgh and this is one of the seats that I think Labour are targeting really hard to win…..also I have had three sets of Labour canvassers at my door……so far……… that is……..

    At the top of the letter was their empty slogan “Change” with a red background but neither a Union jack border nor a Saltire was anywhere to be seen with this slogan. …..note NO SALTIRE anywhere on this letter BUT this letter was apparently all about how Labour were going to do so much for Scotland…but would not obviously lower themselves to display our National flag on their election material they sent to Scottish households… excuse me if I am not that convinced on their sincerity in what they pretend they will do for my country…….as in Scotland.

    So initially the letter states “ For too long Scotland has suffered with two chaotic, failing governments while we face a cost of living crisis and a crisis in our NHS”

    (Note “our” NHS while UK Gov controls English NHS, Labour controls Welsh NHS and SNP controls Scottish NHS….but UK government’s decisions impact ALL NHS in ALL nations…….this info BTW came straight from the Labour Horse’s mouth via Wes Streeting and also recently Angela Rayner…though they said it to try and defend the rubbish performance of Labour in wales via their NHS)

    Firstly I challenge Labour as to why the Welsh Labour government are not considered in their election bumf as those who are “chaotic” and “failing” why just two governments as in Tory and SNP ? ……”Failing” ?….well based on many reported stats via their , Welsh Labour, performance as a government they are recorded as being below Scotland on the NHS stats and “Chaotic” ? well currently a Labour Welsh FM who lost a VONC yet refused to stand down….and after this he, the FM, then got Keir Starmer’s “Absolute confidence” in respect to this ?????

    Then secondly re the cost of living crisis who, in the UK , is responsible for that….the UK government .

    But who in the UK is trying to help low income families with the Tory cost of living crisis in awarding a Scottish Child payment of £26.70 a week for every child you look after under 16 years of age why that would be THE Scottish government as in the SNP……

    As to the NHS according to Wes Streeting (Labour Shadow Heath Sec) the devolved government in Wales poor performance is impacted by the decisions made on the NHS by the UK government………..but apparently in this letter I received it is solely the SNP to blame for (being better than Labour Wales in the NHS LOL) for the Scottish NHS waiting lists etc ( oh and no point noting Covid for the Scottish NHS as apparently that only impacted England and Wales respective NHS in their waiting lists and services etc )

    So this propaganda letter then proceeded to note three “Changes” to offer Scotland via Labour….

    First….well because , according to the partisan Labour party, the Tories in WM and the SNP in Holyrood have failed……the letter then goes on to state …..”The Tories in WM have burned through five PM’s and seven Chancellors in less than eight months and the SNP is on it’s third FM in just three years.

    Soooooooooo…..where do we start….well first the Labour party have failed to be elected as a UK government since and including from 2010 in four GE’s (2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019)…..that’s not Scotland’s fault that’s Labour’s fault for being too S**** (rhymes with PLIGHT) for voters in England to want to vote for them in GE’s… 2010 Gordon Brown was Labour leader, in 2015 Ed Milligan was Labour leader , in 2017 & 2019 Jeremy Corbyn was leader then Keir Starmer became leader post the 2019 GE

    ( So four HQ leaders in ten years) but what about Labour Branch office ………..

    2011 -2014 Johann Lamont

    October 2014 – December 2014 Anas Sarwar

    2014 -2015 Jim Murphy

    June 2015-August 2015 Iain Gray

    2015 – 2017 Keiza Dugdale

    August 2017 – November 2017 Alex Rowley

    2 days in November 2017 Jackie Baillie

    2017- 2021 Richard Leonard

    January 2021- February 2021 Jackie Baillie

    Feb 2021 – present day Anas Sarawar

    So that’s a lot of changes of Branch office managers so what is Labour’s point in their letter re the SNP FM’s changing three times in three years……

    Apparently according to the letter via Labour we can vote Labour to stop all of this “Chaos”….but what about the “Chaos” in their party….purging the left to install their preferred non socialist and Israel (too) friendly candidates as keeps the donations coming in from that source………a FM losing a VONC and refusing to stand down

    So now their second point in their bumf…….

    “Because it’s time for Change”……as they apparently they will reset the economy (How) so it serves working people (what by pandering to large corporations that they, as large corporations, will not have their corporation tax raised, no cap on Banker’s bonuses, weaken their former proposed tightening on existence of Zero Hour contracts by retaining ceratin loopholes that could still exploit workers (which BTW later in their letter to me (and others) they state they will “Ban exploitative Zero Hour contracts for Scots workers) .

    Thirdly the letter states Labour has a credible plan ( really….because so far their plans have been constantly changing and being altered or in some cases dropped so what is credible about that ?)……

    Now the pièce de résistance of the letter ends with:

    “ Our focus is Country first, party second, always.

    Soooooooooo what country….as Labour in Starmer’s various speeches morph from the country being England…to Britain….to Wales….to Scotland….dependent on his location in making speech but more emphasis is always put on his Britain and his UK…..not nay never Scotland as a country….and never Scotland put first with the Labour party….not in a million years ….either in the past, the present or will be in the future while we are in their UK………….and trust me Labour like the Tories put party FIRST….no ifs ands or buts……….been there and seen them, Labour, in action….so I can testify that party always comes first with Labour………and indeed in respect to “country” Scotland’s only significance to Labour is (stealing) our resources, our food and drink products and our land that they, if elected UK government, can present as of GREAT BRITISH origin….for the benefit of their fake state that offers Labour power as it’s government i.e. their UK state.

    So if you care about Scotland and it’s people vote SNP for true Scottish representation in WM until we get our independence…….simples.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well said NMRN. Of course the elephant in the room is the media. They now know the Tories are a busted flush, so they will do their utmost to promote Starmer/Sarwar, despite their continual lies, and U turns. I am well aware after years of canvassing that there are still plenty of folk who will fall for their “Change” slogan. What they don’t realise it will be a change for the worse. But as I have said, it’s the endless brainwashing techniques applied to the electorate, which will, in a lot of cases, lead people to vote for an English based political party, which has no interest in Scotland, except to continue the wholesale robbery of our assets, which has been going on for centuries.


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