Real democracy as one party only is not beholden to any rich donors

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As Labour wallow in donations from Israel-supporters and private health operators, adjusting its manifesto to suit, and as the Conservatives drown in cash from misogynists and racists who already like what they see, only one major party is utterly free to do politics on behalf on the people – the SNP.

The corporate media are today gloating over the news that the SNP has received not one donation over £500 in 2024, thinking it demonstrates disillusion with the party’s track record and forgetting that it has the largest membership by some way in Scotland, paying what it can in membership fees and ready to come onto the streets to campaign.

You can see the benefits of the SNP’s lack of rich donations – the Child Benefit, the lowest tax burden in the UK for the 9 in 10, free HE tuition, free prescriptions for all, free care………

10 thoughts on “Real democracy as one party only is not beholden to any rich donors

  1. the extreme secrecy around the obscene rush to privatise scotland via “freeports” suggests very strongly that vast amounts of cash are currently swilling around the folk who are deciding scotlands future without democratic scrutiny…

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Aye and the only reason they want to invest in Freeport’s is to make even more obscene loads of money without it being taxed. Ffs! The old adage you need money to make Manet and don’t they just practise that, totally without conscience. Greed, greed, greed.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Nice reminder …have been planning to increase my monthly sub for some time now so this is a good time as any to do just that. Anyone else?


    Liked by 1 person

  3. It will be interesting to see the media (especially on BBC Scotland) clammering to tone down the NO confidence loss of Welsh Labour leader after he received £200k from a dodgy donor and he deleted Whats ap messages. Shameful stuff imagine that happening in the Scot Government.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Declassified article 5 June: “ISRAEL LOBBY FUNDED A QUARTER OF BRITISH MPS”

    “Some 180 of Britain’s 650 MPs in the last parliament accepted funding from pro-Israel lobby groups or individuals during their political career, Declassified can reveal.

    That includes 130 Conservative MPs, 41 Labour MPs and three Liberal Democrats.

    Three members of the DUP, two independents and Reform’s only MP (Ex Tory 30p Lee) complete the list”………

    “The total value of the donations from pro-Israel groups, individuals, and Israeli state institutions amounts to over one million pounds“…

    “Between them, the politicians made over 240 paid-for trips to Israel, at a cost of over half a million pounds.”

    “Remarkably, fifteen MPs have accepted funding to travel to Israel amid the Gaza genocide”………”To see how politicians continue to travel to Israel and engage with the genocide lobby explains why our government continues to defy international law by facilitating Israel’s war crimes”.

    No MPs from the Scottish National Party, Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru, SDLP, Alba, Greens, Alliance or Workers Party received hospitality or funding from the lobby

    If you read this article further you will see who from which parties have received these donations………it does explain now why Sunak, Starmer & Davey were so protective of Israel and reluctant to , unlike our former FM Humza Yousaf, come right our and condemn the actions of Israel via their government & the IDF slaughtering innocent women & children…..while also decimating the region of Gaza…….as one never bites the hand that feeds (donates to) you…………..

    Rogues….and none of them are ever my choices of political party, government and neither do I recognise any of them as a current or future UK PM…..


    Liked by 3 people

  5. SNP the largest number of members. 70,000 make donations. Everyone who supports Independence should donate to the SNP.

    Unionist corrupt donors cost the public purse £Billions. Corrupt contracts and tax evasion. No donors should get public, unscrutinised contracts. HS2 and Hickley
    Point the Tory slush fund.

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