Drug deaths fall by 21% in only one year as SNP policies begin to reverse long-term effects of decades of Tory/New Labour neglect

From the National minutes ago but not yet released to ordinary folk like us at TuS: According to the latest statistics, 1051 people died due to drug misuse last year. That’s a decrease of 279 when compared to 2021. Drug deaths stalled in 2021 with 1 330 cases, 9 fewer than in 2020 and have now begun to fall dramatically with 21% fewer in 2022. The surge in drug deaths from the mid 1990s (figures below) under the Conservatives and then New Labour, could have been reduced earlier had the Scottish Government also been able to introduce safe supervised injection … Continue reading Drug deaths fall by 21% in only one year as SNP policies begin to reverse long-term effects of decades of Tory/New Labour neglect