Care home and hospital deaths fall to new low

It’s not a competition. This immature reporting in the Herald and BBC Scotland shames those who generate it.

Here is the news that matters:

The number of deaths in care homes fell for a fifth week, by 56 to 68.

The overall numbers of cases and deaths have been falling for several weeks to levels allowing gradual loosening of the lock-down:

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Infections in care homes are in steep decline:

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5 thoughts on “Care home and hospital deaths fall to new low

  1. This presentation by the Herod demonstrates the opportunistic nastiness of the paper. It indicates that they do not give a monkey’s fuck about people in care homes. Their priority is to attack the SG.

    However, increasing numbers of the public have become aware of this ulterior motive and feel growing distaste for the paper and its lackeys.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. BBC Reporting Scotland went big on the ‘care home deaths overtake deaths in hospital’s. Eventually they gave the numbers. It is 3 more!!!.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Care homes are private businesses
    Care on the cheap
    That’s why they were so unprepared for covid19
    They didn’t even have the basics

    It’s only since the Scottish government made NHS staff available to help and give advice to care homes that the infection has been brought under control

    Most of these care homes only have one trained nurse on duty overnight looking after up to forty patients with dementia etc

    Big profits
    Keep patients alive for as long as possible to get the money in
    But spend as little as possible in doing so
    No comfort


    1. “Keep patients alive for as long as possible to get the money in ..”

      Yes and when a resident dies, fill the space as quickly as possible with another to keep the business-critical occupancy rate up around 90%.

      The notion that commercial care homes would voluntarily admit they did not have proper infection control procedures in place, and therefore would turn down the offer of new clients, is hard to believe: if they did, then let them prove it!


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